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The School



It is our school policy to provide a caring environment in which your child can develop in different areas to the best of his/her ability. At BFUP we are concerned about your child’s academic development as well as his/her personal development, as the following pages in this handbook show. We believe in a firm discipline, based not on fear but on respect, self-respect and respect for others. We believe that children who learn to respect their parents and teachers gradually learn to respect and control themselves. This self- discipline is one of the essential ingredients for them to succeed in their studies and in all other aspects of life.

The school endeavours to build up the self-respect of each pupil by recognising when the child is behaving well and working hard. When a child has done well s/he is praised or awarded a merit mark so that s/he realises that his/her effort has been noticed. At assemblies, children who have obtained a required number of merit marks are presented with certificates of commendation and badges. Commitment to schoolwork is also rewarded by participation in school outings, discos and trips. Pupils obtain the right to these privileges by working hard and behaving well. Children need to know that we all have duties and that their duties are clearly shown in the school rules.

In order not to attract other children’s attention to misbehaviour (thus highlighting a bad example) we try to tell children off in private. We ensure that children understand what it is that they have done wrong and the reason why they are being punished. Parents are informed when their child’s behaviour is such that it interferes with his/her progress or disrupts other children. If the misbehaviour is serious we ask parents to come to the school in order to agree on a strategy to resolve the situation. Children who misbehave forfeit their privileges (namely participation in outings, representing the school or house team in football or netball matches etc...) The school cannot tolerate any cases of persistent or very serious misbehaviour. If necessary, pupils may be suspended from school in order to impress upon them that they cannot behave in that way again. We trust we can continue to depend on parental support, which is fundamental in the maintenance of our high standards.


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