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Supporting Learners With Special Educational Needs (S.E.N.)





We strive to ensure that all children have equal opportunities to access learning and achieve their full potential. All pupils are supported in the classroom by our teachers and LSAs (learning support assistants). Some children, however, will have SEN that may require them to have additional support in school.


Identifying and guiding the school provision for additional support will be led by the school SENCO (SEN coordinator). Her role is to ensure that children with SEN and disabilities within our school receive the support they need and deserve.


When a teacher raises a concern about a child in their class, an IEP (Individual Education Plan) will be drawn up by the class teacher together with SENCO to help address the area of need. The IEP will consist of very specific targets that will be worked on throughout the term. These will be written in November and then reviewed later on in the year. A final review will be done in July ready to hand over to the child's future teacher. These IEPs will be sent to parents so that you too can support your child to meet the educational targets.


Your child’s needs may change as s/he progresses through the school. Some children may require short- term assistance and will no longer require an individual approach whilst others will need this throughout their schooling. At times, children will need support from outside agencies such as from an Educational Psychologist, SLT or OT. Referrals will be discussed and will always be made in consultation with parents with the wellbeing of the child as the centre focus.


Intervention Programmes

Intervention programmes are another way in which your child may receive additional support in their learning. Interventionsessionsarestructuredandaimtotargetthedevelopmentofspecificareasoflearning such as phonics, spellings, comprehension, fine motor skills and mathematics. Intervention groups are run by the school SENCO and children are closely monitored throughout. Groups are kept small with no more than five children attending per session.


Emotional Wellbeing

We also aim to provide emotional wellbeing in our pupils and look to identify early signs of behaviour changes or distress. Early interventions enable children to perform better at school and support their mental health. Our school SENCO, together with the class teacher, will work together with parents to help design the best support for the pupil. An IBP (Individual Behavioural Plan) will be drawn up to help support the pupil. IBPs work in a similar way to IEPs but aim to support the child in areas other than their learning. Targets on an IBP will focus on supporting a child to help manage their emotions.

Your child can be supported within school by attending intervention groups specifically designed to prompt healthy coping strategies, life or social skills, anxiety or behaviour management. If the school feels the child needs a more specialist approach, we will reach out to other support services such as BEST or our School Counsellors.


Learning Support Facility (LSF)

Our LSF caters for a small percentage of children that require a higher level of additional support and specialised provision in order to address their needs. Children in the LSF have full access to the core curriculum and work alongside their peers for many subjects. They are supported by a team of teachers and LSAs to work in developing key skills in their learning as well as supporting their social and emotional development.

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